The symptoms might gradually increase over time, which can delay the recognition that you need medical treatment. For example, if there is a CO leak in your apartment building, you can experience symptoms when you are home that seem to abate when you leave the apartment. These symptoms can develop after hours of exposure to carbon monoxide or after exposure that comes and goes. Feeling intoxicated and mentally impaired.As CO poisoning progresses, the symptoms can increase in severity, including: Many people confuse these symptoms with other common ailments, so they do not realize the severity of what is happening. The first signs that you might need medical help include a headache (that feels tension headache), confusion, fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, and stomach pain. Identifying the Signs of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Many people do not realize they are subject to carbon monoxide exposure for hours or longer. No matter where it happens, the effects of serious poisoning can be long-lasting for many people. Carbon monoxide can happen in many different locations, including: If this happens in enclosed spaces, anyone inside the space can inhale fumes and suffer CO poisoning. When these appliances do not have proper installation or maintenance, they can release Co fumes into the air. Anything that burns gas, coal, oil, or even wood can produce CO fumes, including:
Schedule A Free Consultation How CO Poisoning Happens People suffer carbon monoxide poisoning when they inhale CO fumes, which can happen in different ways. However, getting the treatment you need does not come without cost. Visiting the ER or another medical facility when you feel the effects of CO poisoning is the best thing to do to protect your health and future. Not every poisoning event is fatal, as about 50,000 people visit emergency rooms across the United States every year due to the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 430 people die each year due to CO poisoning. Long-Term Effects of Severe Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Carbon monoxide poisoning is a completely preventable occurrence with modern technology. If someone else was liable for your poisoning event, you should discuss the matter with a San Antonio carbon monoxide poisoning attorney as soon as possible.